We price competitively.
For a quote, please email, indicating:
what kind of thing you are writing (is it fiction / non-fiction / memoir / middle grade / YA / adult / contemporary / historical / fantasy / thriller / nature writing / literary?)
word count of the material you’d like feedback on
whether you are looking for an overview or whether you’d like feedback on specific aspects of your work
anything else you’d like to ask
your aim for your work – are you seeking publication, or are you writing for your own satisfaction?
If we feel qualified to give feedback on your work (which we generally will do unless it’s in some particularly niche genre or specialist area), we will reply indicating pricing and timescale (when we’d have your report back to you by). It’s then entirely up to you whether you wish to proceed.
*Society of Authors and SCBWI members are eligible for a 10% discount. This may be extended to members of other writers' organisations at our discretion.
Pilar Alessandra, The Coffee Break Screenwriter
James Scott Bell, Plot & Structure
James Scott Bell, Super Structure
James Scott Bell, Write Your Novel from the Middle
Julia Bell and Paul Magrs, The Creative Writing Coursebook
Anne Bernays and Pamela Painter, What If?
A&C Black, Children’s Writers’ and Artists’ Yearbook
A&C Black, Writers’ and Artists’ Yearbook
Jessica Brody, Save the Cat! Writes a Novel
Renni Browne and Dave King, Self-Editing for Fiction Writers*
Roy Peter Clark: Writing Tools*
Lisa Cron, Story Genius*
James Frey, How to Write Damn Good Fiction*
Elizabeth Gilbert, Big Magic
Natalie Goldberg, Writing Down the Bones
Stephen King, On Writing
Nancy Kress, Characters, Emotion & Viewpoint
Nancy Lamb, The Art and Craft of Storytelling*
Nancy Lamb, Crafting Stories for Children*
Donald Maass, The Emotional Craft of Fiction*
Robert McKee, Story
Juliet Mushens, Get Started in Writing Young Adult Fiction
Sol Stein, Stein on Writing
Rachael Stock, The Insider’s Guide to Getting Your Book Published
William Strunk Jr and EB White, The Elements of Style
Scarlett Thomas, Monkeys With Typewriters*
Claire Wingfield, 52 Dates for Writers
John Yorke, Into the Woods
*our top recommendations!
Preparing to submit your work
Before sending us your work, please ask yourself honestly: are you ready to hear constructive criticism? Many people think they are, but then realise they’re not. We will highlight strengths and where your manuscript is working, but we will also highlight weaknesses. Make sure you are psychologically prepared to be receptive to constructive criticism. Remember, we are on your side; we are simply trying to help you make your manuscript the best it can be.
If somebody asks what your book’s about, can you communicate the central idea or conflict in a couple of sentences? One of the most common things we see is pages of beautiful prose and description but a rather pedestrian (if discernible) central idea – a body with no beating heart. We need to feel the pulse! Does your central idea pulse right through your manuscript? Other common pitfalls include the dreaded saggy middle and plots that read like a series of barely related events, rather than a causal sequence of events that create rising tension. The good news? Most things are fixable. It’s only words – words, which blended together in particular ways have the power to make magic. (If only it were that simple!)
Many writers find joining a crit group or finding a critique partner makes a huge difference to their writing, as well as providing friendship and support. It is also a good idea to read a craft book or two if you haven’t already. A few recommendations:
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